• Best skin care routine for dry skin

    The care facial dry skin is very important for every woman have a dry skin , because main disadvantage of  symptoms of dry skin  lead to flaky skin dry, spots dry skin , peeling dry skin and dry skin rash , acne and  eczema,it is all more worse painful for dry skin.
    Dry skin care

    If you suffer from dry skin problems,  and you want to overcome ,so  I advise you to read this article  to get remedies for dry skin problems easily at home. 

      But before any thing I love to say and I hope to repeat it:

    "Love yourself. It is important to stay positive because beauty comes from the inside out"  

    Jenn Proske.

     The dry skin especially face  is mirror of your body  ,so you must to overcome all  problems  ,I think is easy if you want to change your life I advise you  to resolve it.

    When you fall into problems and try to solve it reasons That leads to it as attempt to avoid fall another time. Then 

     What  will be you learn?
    1-Why is my skin so dry ? 
    2-What do you must do to moisturizer your dry face/skin?   
    3-How to care & moisturizer  your dry face/skin as routine? 

    -Why is my skin so dry ?  

    Some times we hate dry sepicall at winter rather than summer season ,your skin is dry because is creation of God , so we need to care it, or save it by avoid some points or causes  that lead to Dry face from these  causes:

    1. Not drinking enough water that the body needs at least  one liter per a day.

    2. Not use a good lotion or cream for dry skin and washed more than once every day.

    3. Apply mask at least one time per week.

    4.Hot bath, especially into winter  season  that effects after washing  as well as  shaving. 

    5.Don't use the right Moisturizing cream a night & day. 

     Attention: If your food correct your skin  will be healthy "your skin mirror your eating." 

     Could you imagine with me how got it,  excessive your dry skin? 

    Yes, your dry skin as desert ,isn't?, with spots of rash or patches and peeling...etc.  the desert needs water to become moist and fresh  ,  when  getting some of  water become as heaven . 

     your skin  becomes overly pour sick rash ,flaky, patches, and peeling ..etc ,many of the problems that infect the skin, such as eczema and other ,then  you need remedies  to refresh it. 

      The right way here is Moisturizer , as water resolve all problem of dryness on face  and body. 

    -What do you must do to moisturizer your dry face/skin?

     There are many remedies for facial dry skin conditions on line or at store,you will be found but which is the best, the best for you??????? 

    Ok dear I will help you to resolve all these problems. 

    We have natural path and chemical path.

      First of all if you want to natural moisturizer I advise you to use  olive oil+ honey mixture together 2:1 bts and 2 times daily at least. 

    I do it ,I recommend you  because honey  is very benefit a good food which contain on: water,fructose,glucose,carbohydrates,portien pulse minerals and vitamins.

    Or Coconut oil, Avocado oil ,Almond oil,Wheat germ oil and Sesame oil. all these oil consideration as benefit for dry skin remedies, because have high fat density of oil very benefit for healthy skin and very high reach with vitamins. which 4 vitamins important to your skin: 

    1- A vitamin: is very important to tissue of skin.(Vitamin A is available in dairy products, eggs, oily fish,  

    vegetables with leaves, spinach and carrots. Drink a glass of carrot juice daily or can be eaten fresh carrots with breakfast to secure necessary for the body of vitamin A. quantities) 

    2- B vitamin: is also benefit to enhancement your color skin.(Almond oil , wheat leafy vegetables of the best sources of vitamin B. 

     It also is available in wheat germ, yeast, cereal, yogurt, bread, brown). 

    3- C vitamin: is suitable for whitness healthy  and fresh skin. (Vitamin C is available in citrus fruits oranges, lemons, grapefruit, grapes, mangoes.  

    The vegetables cauliflower, broccoli, cucumbers and tomatoes are also contestant adequate amounts of vitamin C.) 

    4- E vitamin: for aging dry skin  remedies and given light to your skin.(Olives, peanuts, sunflower seeds and almonds  

    are all rich sources of vitamin E. is also available in green leafy vegetables and wheat germ.)  

    5- K vitamin: When taking vitamin K in adequate quantities, it helps to protect the skin and remove patches easily. 
    Could you apply any kind of oil on your face 2 times per day or 3 up to you.

    prefer after shower and avoid the rays of sun.

    Each of these methods of natural skin care you can do it easily at home every day. 

      Remedies  care skin at Home is easy ,but some time you don't have enough time to make mask at home every day or three time per week,so what  you do must ? 

     Purchasing  a Moisturizers and creams can also be a great remedy for dry skin. Before purchasing a moisturizer, be sure to read the labels.  As it


    Not all moisturizers are made with the same method, some ingredients are good rather than others. 
    As say above could you choose with natural  or  mechanical  material.

    -How  to care & moisturizer  your dry face/skin as routine? 

    A routine you must have program do it every day easy: 
      first of all   I remember you dear "Love yourself. It is important to stay positive because beauty comes from the inside out"  

    Program of care dry skin:

     1- Wash your face with perfect lotion .
     2- Moisturize cream daily & anti anging 
     3- Sun block and moisturizer   or only sun block for in &out door 
     4- a night cream.  
     5- Dish of fruit & salad + a Glasses of fresh drink+ at least 1 liter water/day .
     6- left all Bad habits as smoking alcohol every thing else .
    7- keep the above points daily.

    Thank you to read ,Have a good skin


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