• How choose the best right lipstick color for your skin tone?

    how choose the right lipstick

    What will be learn about lipstick?

    • What is  the basic colors of lipstick ?
    • How to choose the right lipstick color for your skin?
    • What is the prefer color at a day & night?
    • How to draw your mouth and apply lip stick with professional method?

    What is  the basic colors of lipstick ?

    Generally the colors  ranging between cool &warm as diagram below:

    Warm colors and Cool colors 

    Rules Lipstick colors division into two parts warm  & cool colors.

    Warm colors ranging from red to yellow colors, almost between orange beige and brown. these colors are warm quite when see it given relaxation and comfort, more casual suitable for work at a day.

    Warm color

    Cool colors ranging from red to blue colors  , these colors more active , a red is strong color especially in parties and occasion more use and at night rather than at a daytime.

    Cool color

    How to choose the right lipstick color for your skin?

    To become more professional to choose color tone with your skin this dependence on many 
    causes that consider help you to choose the right color.

    as when at a daytime the color lipstick it isn't the same at a night, I prefer light color lip stick.
    as pink or orange.

    at occasion is the main play rule to choose the right lip stick, example if wearing black I prefer red color specially you have light skin.

    There is not rules to apply ,but there is Compatibility of colors ,this is art imagine you draw your face and color it.

    With repeat will become more professional. I try to conclusion 3 points that consideration is very important when choose the color. 


    • Natural color 

    Choose the color lipstick as  the color of your lips , the same degree.
    Natural lips color

    This method depends on lips color if light pink or light beige whatever look to mirror and you know what is your lips color? then choose lipstick as lip color.

     I  prefer special this method at  a daytime , because  the sun rays when reflects on your mouth  given to any one show you it is a normal and beautiful, as well is more causal.

    • Choose the color according cloths.

    In this method choose a color lipstick  matching to  your Clothes color for example:
         if you are wearing gray ,you could choose the pink or rose.
         if you are wearing olive or blue, you  could choose light degree from orange.
         and if you are wearing whit or black could you use red.

    • Choose the color according your color skin. 

    Dependence here on original color of your skin as you know , a skin of a human dived to 4 basic  colors  fair,medium, olive and dark.

    to more tone skin with right color lips stick choose according on chart  below.
     put your self into right place depend on color skin then choose the right color of lipstick.

    What is the prefer color at a daytime & night?

    At  a daytime:

     a light color for both warm or cool colors.

    At a  night:

    Dark color also for warm and cool colors.as red lipstick color

    How to draw your mouth and apply lip stick with professional method?

    To draw need pencil lip color and brush of foundation and brush of lips.

    visit this site to know more

    How to become yours lips plumper?
    get a free guide to help you

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